Posts Tagged ‘News’

Ireland Photo Safari

Ireland Photo Safari

Earlier today we launched a new trip on the Travel section of the Pixels website. Slated for 2010, Pixels will be taking a group of photographers on a whirlwind, photography intensive, 16 day tour of Ireland. Departing June 5, 2010 and returning June 20 photographers will spend a full 14 days on the ground in Ireland. Start off in the great city of Dublin and visit the area’s oldest landmarks before heading into the Irish countryside for a full two weeks of nothing but photography.

Class Schedule Updated

Classes updated announcement.

Photocamp Utah Recap

Pixels would like to give a big shout out the organizers of Photocamp Utah 2009 for pulling off such a successful event. It was great to see the Utah photography community come together is such a big way (nearly 300 photographers!). To Jeremy and the rest of the volunteers: job well done and we hope […]